Holcim has improved significantly during the first three quarters of
revenue and profit
The cement group Holcim increased its profit in the first nine months
rose by over 70 percent. For the year, the Group is confident and is a
good prospect of fiscal 2005. They benefit from good economic
conditions in key growth markets, said the world's second largest
cement company.
(Ap) The consolidated profit of Holcim increased in the first nine
months of 2005 rose by 70.5% compared to 1.175 billion francs. The
cement so that the company has exceeded analysts' expectations and
made more profit after three quarters, as for the whole of last year.
Revenues grew by 34.0% in local currencies and by 35.3% to 13.425
billion francs. Operating EBITDA increased by 25.4% to 3.501 billion
francs. Have contributed to this substantial increase despite higher
energy and transportation costs and tougher price pressure, four out
of five Group regions, it is said in the statement of Holcim.
High growth rate in North America
These include the Group regions North America (62.4%), Africa, Middle
East (up 34.3%), Europe (up 28.1%) and Asia Pacific (+12.9%), while
Ebitda in the company Latin America remained stable.
Excluding the newly consolidated this year, Aggregate Industries and
Ambuja Cement Eastern and Cemento de El Salvador, an internal Ebitda